Monday, August 16, 2010

Building Futures- When I Walk

It is the deep beauty and privilege of childhood to be able to smile in a difficult place.

That's what I learned on one hot day walking along a winding dirt path towards the hillside school yard of Mbaka Oromo Primary. Ahead of us, two girls walked. Bare feet. Torn sweaters. No books. Giant smiles. As they continued their dawdling dance towards school I realized that this is the side of Africa we never get to see. This is the image that should move us all to contribute to a better life for Kenyan kids.

In many ways Western Kenya is a difficult place.... one of limited opportunity, poor health care, fragile ethnic tensions and even food insecurity. But as these kids made their way to school, I believe they were thinking about what all kids think about on their way to school.... pushing each other in the mud.

It's our great pleasure to present the first fruit of our trip to Kenya.

We hope this video will share with you the tremendous enthusiasm these children have for learning and the boundless love they show for their world, however torn. Hats off to Building Futures for the work they do to make sure that these kids are walk towards something... a solidly built school and a solidly built future.